One of the things that indicates a lot about the nature of the people in our neighborhood (and the price of gas) is that about half of the cars (not counting the pickups that many drive) are hybrids. Today I drove our THINK electric car to the post office to get a package. At that moment 2/3's of the cars at the post office were electrics because Tom arrived in his Leaf at the same time I was there. By the way, the THINK has not been without a glitch. One morning when Myrna was starting to drive to work it stopped completely as she was adjusting her mirror. After a couple hours of troubleshooting I learned that adjusting either mirror would blow a fuse which in turn tripped a relay killing the engine. I talked to a factory tech eventually who agreed that the most likely fix would be a new switch but when that arrived we still had the same problem. It could be the hot wire from the switch to the mirrors but in the meantime, at least, we've adjusted the mirrors for Myrna and will leave them there.
The unemployment rate has dropped faster than the national average here since Americans with the money for Hawaiian vacations were less affected by the recession and also because middle class Chinese are starting to take Hawaiian vacations. The Japanese tourists resumed their travel this year and there is often a help wanted ad for Japanese speaking tour guides. The Imiloa Planetarium even has a once a day Japanese program. This week there are 3 cruise ships stopping at Hilo instead of the usual 1.
It is very easy here to find Ocean shoreline (not beaches) with no people in sight. This one is just North of Kapoho.
Here Zeno is inside a lava tree mold at LAVA TREE STATE PARK.
Tree molds are formed when moving lava is cooled around a wet tree enough to solidify before the tree catches fire and then the rest of the lava drains away from around it. Over the years what remains of the tree rots and washes out so we are left with a hollow tube of rock.
Here the family poses in front of the Hehau interpretive center at the spot where King Kamehameha solidified his rule over the whole island.
And this is at the view point above Honounou, just below the vog line for that day.
Zeno is very susceptible to mosquitoes, and is glad they are not by the ocean!
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